Monday, June 4, 2012

...makes a green...coughpoopbrowncough...smoothie

So...if you pay attention to the latest health that keeps coming up is the "green smoothie." As with all health trends green smoothies are touted to make you feel good, lose weight, grow hair, have great skin, win the lottery, marry a doctor etc.

With promises like that...of COURSE I had to break out my 400 dollar rarely used blendtec blender and give'er a go.

Now if you google "green smoothie," you most likely will see pictures of a lovely bright green (sometimes almost cosmically green) drink that is supposed to cure all ills and taste yummy. The thing that they don't really mention is that if you put anything in it to make it taste like anything other than kale or spinach it's gonna look...


And not a pretty color of brown either...the color of brown that haunts new mothers' nightmares...the color of brown that usually indicates somebody ate something laced with salmonella.

See...the thing that is supposed to make the green smoothie taste less like a salad bar and more like a fruit. You can use apples, which, (yay!) come in green...but they are so mildly flavored that they don't really help mask the leafy green taste of smoothie.

So what do they recommend? Frozen strawberries.

Yum, right? Of course right! Strawberries are delicious and full of wonderful things that are going to make you feel good, lose weight, grow hair, have great skin, win the lottery, and marry a doctor.

The only problem + green = brown.

Poo brown.


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