Thursday, May 17, 2012

...starts a new blog

My husband walked in on me working on this today. I told him I was starting a new blog and he said, (and I quote) "What's wrong with the old one?"


Well...first of all the new one has this darling blog header designed by my sweet friend Kara. She is an uber talented girlie who is good at everything. If you would like to see some of the amazing things she does (plus she's an entertaining writer as well,) check out her blog at

Secondly, sometimes...its a good thing to appreciate something for the purpose it served but move on. The old blog covered a time in my life that I'd...well...just like to learn from and move on. It's not that I really posted much about the things I experienced, but it's a reminder.

And, thirdly, there are lots of fun projects and ideas bouncing around in my head and I'd like to have a place where I can bounce them off you.

So...for today...I can check off of my list "Start new blog!"

I hope to be a more consistent poster than I was on the last one...but I promise no schedule. Things are in a bit of a ...transition for me. Lots of projects coming up on the house (which I hope to share...) and lots of work on myself...which I may or may not share. I used to think mid-life crisis was a man in a toupee in a convertible with a young blonde in the back seat. I'm learning....meh. Not so much.

At any rate...I have this new blog with this cheery new blog header and a new desire to make Sometimes a little freshening up is all that it takes.

Stay tuned.